Svalbard to Oslo, Norway and Beyond 2019 After leaving Svalbard, Lillehammer was our next stop on our Norway 2019 trip. It was a short flight from Longyearbyen/Svalbard to Oslo,...
Svalbard – Arctic bucket list destination

About Svalbard A few years ago I became interested in Svalbard. Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago located in the Arctic Ocean north of continental Norway, about 800 miles (1,300...
Extreme cold weather clothing update

Cold Weather Clothing Update We have returned from our trip to Svalbard and mainland Norway. Due to limited space in our 2x 65-liter backpacks (boots and winter clothing require...
Tromsø, Norway 2019

Tromsø Tromsø was the first stop on our Svalbard and Norway 2019 trip. We had visited Tromsø previously; it was the starting point of our Eurotrip 2017 and we...
Eurotrip 2017 Itinerary

Eurotrip 2017 We spent three weeks traveling through Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, and Iceland for Eurotrip 2017. Our primary mode of transport for mainland Europe was via train....
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