Devin Bound
Since we were in Bratislava, Devin made for an easy escape from the city. Devin is a small town approximately 20 minutes by bus west of Bratislava along the Danube. There is an old castle that we wanted to see. Therefore, it was a great little trip outside of the city for a few hours. We boarded the bus and headed towards Devin. Even though it is a borough of Bratislava, it is very rural. As we neared the town of Devin, the old castle could be seen through the trees.
Stop It
As the bus was winding through the small streets we watched for our bus stop on Google Maps and on the signs to be safe. Next thing you know, we were leaving the small town and heading into an even more rural area. We could see the castle getting further away. Unfortunately, we had missed our stop and had to get off at the next one.
Luckily, we only had to wait about 4 or 5 minutes for the next stop. The stop was very small and didn’t even have a bench. Luckily, the stop going the other direction was on the other side of the street about 100 feet away. It was a much larger stop; it had some seating. However, seating was limited to an old rickety chair leaning against the sign.

Devin Castle
Once we found the right bus stop, there was a short 5-minute walk to the castle. Since it was the middle of July, it was hot out and we were thirsty. They have a café inside and a couple of small shops near the entrance area. Therefore, we took a little break in the shade and enjoyed the weather and the views. After the short break, we spent about an hour walking around the castle area and along the Danube.
This part of the Danube is on the border with Austria and where the old “Iron Curtain” was located. There is a lot of history from the Cold War in this area due to its proximity to the border. Therefore, you will see several memorials for people or groups that lost their lives in this area. There is a memorial to over 400 people that died here during the cold war.
Return to Bratislava
Back to the bus stop to grab the next bus back to Bratislava to see some more sights. Due to this being the closest stop, a few tourists were waiting for a bus. Luckily, the wait was only about 5-10 minutes after we arrived at the stop. We boarded the bus and began the 20-minute ride back to town.
A college-age girl was standing in front of us and was fidgeting and looking around anxiously. Apparently, a bee had gotten into her dress and had stung her on the side. She was in panic mode and looked helpless trying to rid her clothing of the flying nuisance.
We offered to help and then it stung her again; her wallet, phone, everything went across the floor as she stood up. She didn’t feel comfortable undressing or exposing herself to find it. So I offered to block the view as she did a rigorous search for the critter. Unfortunately, she never found the bee. Luckily, it didn’t sting again the rest of the ride back to town.
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